Following is a work-in-progress document of the interview process for various openings with us. We recommend you to please go through same before applying for the positions.

2 day process.
Apply Online, Screening of Resume
Call for Interview

Day 1: HR Interview 10 to 20 mins
Written Test (BioEra’s Product Knowledge, Aptitude and Self-explanation) 1 to 1.5 hour

Day 2: Presentation (Select any product from BioEra’s website and present (PPT) your views / business plan to sell that product. Not more than 15 mins.)
Functional Interview: 20 mins
Management Interview: 10 mins
Signing of Appointment Letter

Open Positions

2 day process.
Apply Online, Screening of Resume
Call for Interview

Day 1: HR Interview 10 to 20 mins
Written Test (Technical, Aptitude and Self-explanation) 1 to 1.5 hour

Day 2: Technical Presentation (You will be provided a topic and need to present (PPT). Not more than 30 mins.)
Functional Interview: 20 mins
Management Interview: 10 mins
Signing of Appointment Letter

Open Positions

2 day process.
Apply Online, Screening of Resume
Call for Interview

Day 1: HR Interview 10 to 20 mins
Written Test (Technical, Aptitude and Self-explanation) 1 to 1.5 hour

Day 2: Technical Presentation (You will be provided a topic and need to present (PPT). Not more than 20 mins.)
Functional Interview: 20 mins
Management Interview: 10 mins
Signing of Appointment Letter

Open Positions for HR

Open Positions for Accounts & Finance

2 day process.
Apply Online, Screening of Resume
Call for Interview

Day 1: HR Interview 10 to 20 mins
Written Test (Technical, Aptitude and Self-explanation) 1 to 1.5 hour

Day 2: Technical Presentation (You will be provided a topic and need to design the concept. Not more than 45 mins.)
Functional Interview: 20 mins
Management Interview: 10 mins
Signing of Appointment Letter

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